Soldier on Australia

Soldier on Australia

Soldier on Australia

24 June 2022

Recently the launch of =AZUrJn8vEoYTIw0ZY0GA2wFWhxeyREzWw8nigwelaQCIM6Xv9H5-ksVM9DL2Z7yxh42EiQ3bmoJPnScmbEJ-5ijlz7vHXKsIxTq8lvhnI-izs5_Td_L9j77Ogb9V1hJgIhso7101Mzd17vRVVtRHjlkuNWATRbguVqMdexfuyK_DguFMmYzRdqDIqZpA8LCRaUA8gBtT-aurNP1PieICrPV9&__tn__=kK-R">Soldier On Australia‘s new national headquarters was celebrated in Brindabella Business Park, where they will operate to support the local Canberra region as well as assisting teams around the country in continuing to deliver their services. We look forward to continuing our partnership and recognition of Soldier On, and the vital support they provided to those who served, and continue to serve in the Australian Defence Force.